Know the young Clark Kent! "Smallville" is a popular TV serie that show us the origins of one of the most popular comic s hero: Superman.
The plot isnt about Superman, but the young behind the suit, a teen Clark Kent looks for an explanation of his incredible habilities that make him different from the rest, that is how the story begins and a legend rises while he meets the one who will become his bigest enemy: Lex Luthor.
Clark also has to deal with his feelings for the love of his life: Lana Lang, and keeping his secret doesnt help him so much in that aspect of his life, In spite of that, Lana does loves Clark but she knows that for some reason they cannot be together.
In this year (2008) the 8th season of the serie is rolling and the we can see the firts episodes on TV, the end is close, and the fans are excited, theres nothing more to say except that, as you well know, this is nothing but the beginnig...