domingo, 28 de septiembre de 2008

Covent Valley

Hi. This time Im going to talk you about a special subject, an imaginary place called Covent Valley, a city I invented where takes place a fictious story about vampires, wizards and other special characters, each one of them have an interesting live, most of the times dramatic events leads they to darkness.

The plot begins with a young couple meeting at night in a abandoned building, where they found a dying boy. The girl turns to be a vampire and she saves the boys life by ofering some of her blood and turning him into a creature of the shadows.

Months later, a small fmily arrives to Covent Valley, Lucy and Jacob McDowall, a lonely girl and a single father, Lucy soon realizes that shes not in an ordinary town when she meets a curious boy called Remy, a harmless vampire with only a few months of life (or undead). They start an unusual friendship that is surrounded by dangerous characters.

Well thats mi vision, the result of having a lot of time to kill. I hope you liked the plot, I ll try to tell you more abut it later, see you then!

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